If you’re a student of ultrasound, or looking to revise your POCUS practice, then you’ll find something in our collection of free E-books and pdfs. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be E-books supported by non-Apple providers – let us know if you come across any. A big shoutout and thanks to everyone listed here who have dedicated their time and expertise to create these valuable resources.
Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound – part 1 [iBook]
Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound seeks to teach bedside ultrasound to students in a more efficient, directed format than previous texts. It accomplishes this with a plethora of multimedia adjuncts. Instead of simply reading about ultrasound pathology and protocols, the reader can watch actual videos and demonstrations of the pathology from directly within the book while reading. This experience is closer to bedside learning with a true expert than reading a traditional textbook.
Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound – part 2 [iBook]
Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound Volume 2 like the 5 star rated volume 1 teaches bedside ultrasound in a more efficient, directed format than previous texts. It accomplishes this with a plethora of multimedia adjuncts. Instead of simply reading about ultrasound pathology and protocols, the reader watches actual videos and demonstrations of the pathology from directly within the book while reading. Volume 1 has received incredibly rave reviews, but Volume 2 is as good or better with more content, advanced techniques, more video, and more demonstrations. The experience is closer to bedside learning with a true expert than reading a traditional textbook.
The ICU Ultrasound Pocket Book [iBook]
The ICU Ultrasound pocket book is a concise, targeted reference source to enable the novice or advanced emergency or ICU clinician to incorporate point of care ultrasound into their practice. This book effectively teams internationally recognized sonologists with NASA researchers developing just in time ultrasound training methods for astronauts on the International Space Station, to provide a rapid ultrasound diagnostic and procedural guide for the ICU. The comprehensive sections included in this book cover the ever expanding array of clinical indications for non-radiologist
Trauma Ultrasound eBook [iBook]
The use of ultrasonography revolutionized trauma care, and now this one-of-a-kind interactive eBook is going to revolutionize trauma ultrasound education. Written and produced by nationally known emergency medicine educators and sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians. Seven chapters, more than 40 full-motion videos, and more than 50 diagnostic images, photographs, and illustrations, many of which are interactive to enhance the learning experience.
Rapid Ultrasound: Basics & RUSH exam [iBook]
This book introduces the clinician in training to the ultrasound machine and its uses for diagnostic purposes in the critical care setting.
In addition, it helps students familiarize with the ultrasound machine knobs, probes and the RUSH protocol.
Handheld Cardiac Ultrasound: Case Series [iBook]
Handheld cardiac ultrasound presents a series of interactive cases to demonstrate how this tool can be incorporated into the physical exam and how it can help with earlier diagnosis and management of certain cardiac conditions. Targeted at medical trainees and new doctors, this book is a collaborative project made by members of the Cardiovascular Imaging Network at Queen’s University (CINQ).
Point-of-Care Echocardiography: A primer
by Michael Wong, Shahbaz Syed
In non-emergency medicine literature, cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound is termed “focused cardiac ultrasound” or “FoCUS,” and has been the subject of national cardiology and intensive care guidelines. It is used by emergency medicine, trauma, internal medicine, cardiology, and intensive care teams to facilitate early diagnosis, guide management, and safe disposition for patients.
Here, we present a robust, peer-reviewed approach to Point-of-Care echocardiography for the front-line clinician.
UC Irvine Series | Introduction to… [iBooks]
UC Irvine Health have created a range of introductory books detailing point-of-care cardiac ultrasound for use in the Emergency Department. Featuring interactive images and video clips.
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Practical Ultrasound Series: Deep Venous Thrombosis [iBook]
Expand your ultrasound skills and learn to evaluate patients for DVT using ultrasound at the point-of-care. The first of the Practical Ultrasound Series, Focused Ultrasound for Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) introduces providers to the key concepts, technical considerations, and image acquisition and interpretation skills required to evaluate patients for DVT using ultrasound at the point-of-care. A combination of text, image galleries, narrated video clips and interactive media is used to provide an immersive educational experience for the emergency physician interested in developing or expanding their ultrasound skills.
MGH ED Ultrasound Minimal Criteria [iBook]
Minimal criteria for point of care ultrasound from Massachusetts General Hospital ED Ultrasound Team
SAEM Ultrasound Virtual Issue
Compiled by Devjani Das, MD, Monica Kapoor, MD, Resa E. Lewiss, MD and Romolo Gaspari, MD
The ultrasound “virtual issue” is a collection of key articles from Academic Emergency Medicine on the use of ultrasound in emergency medicine. Ultrasound can be used by the emergency physician to help diagnose a range of conditions, often at the bedside, and perform a variety of procedures. This collection of papers focuses on the situations and conditions that the emergency physician may need to employ ultrasound in, as well as covering education and training. This virtual issue will be updated on an ongoing basis as new articles are published.
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: Interactive Guide 4 Beginners [iBook]
What started out as an update to a rotation manual for anesthesiology residents has evolved into Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: Interactive Manual for Beginners. This book covers basics of ultrasonography, knobology, sonoanatomy and techniques for the most commonly performed ultrasound-guided single-injection nerve blocks of the upper and lower extremities, as well as paravertebral and transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks. It is a practical and visually engaging introductory book that helps maximize learning through interaction with rich media. Embedded throughout the book are visual aids that include enhanced videos, interactive galleries, detailed review of sonoanatomy, as well as self-assessment quizzes that provide immediate feedback.
Manual of Regional Anesthesia [mulit-part pdf]
Regional anesthesia refers to a group of techniques performed either at the neuraxial or peripheral nerve levels that render part of the body insensate to pain. They accomplish this by selectively interrupting nerve transmission without the need to alter the patient’s level of consciousness. In this manual I discuss regional anesthesia related issues as well as nerve block techniques commonly used in the United States with special emphasis on the techniques we perform at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.
Basic Ultrasound Competency in Probe and Needling [iBook]
The Basic Ultrasound Competency in Probe and Needling Course is aimed at junior anaesthetists and others new to ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia. It covers the core basic skills surrounding the operation of the ultrasound machine, safe conduct of a block procedure, and identifying structures.
Cardiac and Critical Care Ultrasonography [iBook]
The purpose of this book is to introduce medical trainees and practitioners to the perioperative use of ultrasound, specifically covering transesophageal echocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography in detail, as well as introducing elements of critical care ultrasonography including thoracic, abdominal, deep venous, and cerebral ultrasound. Included in the text are over 400 references to previously published works (primarily peer-reviewed literature) and more than 200 images and embedded videos.
A Beginner’s Guide to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Upper Limb [iBook]
This book teaches the fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound techniques, landmarks, probe placement, patient position, expert tips, and common pitfalls for the novice. Additionally, the authors define common ultrasound terms and language for the beginner. It will serve as an excellent tool for the education of medical students, resident physicians, or professionals with little ultrasound experience to learn the fundamental skills and techniques for diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound.
Comprehensive Shoulder Exam With Ultrasound [iBook]
This text is meant to be overview of the examination of the shoulder with ultrasound assistance. The objectives that will be addressed are as follows: (1) Introduce the shoulder joint and basic shoulder anatomy. (2) Discuss the basic shoulder exam and supplemental exams which may lead to differential diagnoses. (3) Discuss common ultrasound views and techniques used to diagnose shoulder pain. (4) Review common shoulder pathology, associated tests and illustrative ultrasound views. (5) Briefly touch upon treatment options that a patient may be presented with to relieve shoulder pain.
PACE – POCUS Assisted Clinical Exam [iBOOK]
The first edition of PACE offers a new concept of thinking about Point-of-Care Ultrasound in undergraduate medical education, not only integrating POCUS education into the undergraduate curriculum, but also integrating POCUS into the clinical exam itself. All chapters are accompanied by interactive video, to enhance the learning experience. It provides students with an interactive entry-level text on the subjects of Cardiac, Lung and Upper Abdominal ultrasonography and also offers medical educators a simple and lightweight modular framework to overlay on top of their busy curricula.
Point-of-Care OB Ultrasound [iBook]
An essential resource for the initial evaluation of the acutely ill or injured obstetrical patient. Written by experts in both emergency medicine and obstetrics, whether the patient is in the first, second, or third trimester, this ACEP book covers the critical obstetrical conditions you need to be able to diagnose with point-of-care ultrasound. Each chapter contains referenced text, key points, pearls, and numerous videos and image banks.
Radiology Basics: Cross-sectional Imaging [iBook]
Project design and illustrations by Dr Melisa Sia (FY2)
Written by Dr Melisa Sia (FY2) and Dr Vikas Shah (Consultant Radiologist)
An interactive e-book on basic cross-sectional imaging (CT, MRI, Ultrasound).
+ Suitable for students and junior doctors!
+ Includes basic anatomy and pathology!
+ Quiz at the end of every chapter!
The Practical Guide to Critical Ultrasound iBook in 2 volumes is a free resource for point-of-care users caring for patients in emergency and critical care environments. We designed this interactive image and narrated video focused book to be a quick reference and a just-in-time learning tool.
This iBook has three unique aspects. We begin the book with a series of narrated “How to Scan” videos for common ultrasound applications. The two chapters at the end of volume 2 collate landmark publications for the field. The critical care ultrasound protocol chapter provides a nearly complete set of reference information as providers consider an organized approach to the emergency and critical patient. The final society protocol chapter assists the reader with the most up-to-date specialty endorsed standards and guidelines.
Practical Guide to Critical Ultrasound, Volume 2 [iBook]
Ultrasound Guided Procedures Simplified [iBook]
This simplified pictorial guide to ultrasound-guided procedures comes from years of learning how to safely practice medicine at a county residency training center in Oakland, California. The goal is to make the individual “chapters” short and simple, so that residents and faculty are successful in the procedure. The chapters are not exhaustive, and meant to be used when working in the clinical department.
Manual of Ultrasound for Resource-Limited Settings [pdf]
This guide is intended to be a resource for health care providers who use clinician-performed, point of care ultrasound while working in resource poor settings. The use of bedside ultrasound by health care providers has revolutionized care of patients worldwide, providing clinicians with immediate answers to clinical questions, and guiding procedures for improved safety.
This book is a concise review of bedside, clinician-performed ultrasound, with focus on specific diagnostic questions and disease processes common in the developing world. The book should be used in conjunction with an ultrasound training course, and is not a substitution for practical training in ultrasound.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Practical Approach [eBook]
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology: A Practical Approach is an open access e-book that presents a comprehensive review of ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology. The e-book is edited by Alfred Abuhamad, MD, a renowned international expert on ultrasound with contributions from Drs. Rabih Chaoui, Philippe Jeanty and Dario Paladini.
WFUMB Ultrasound E-Book [online]
A highly comprehensive free online ultrasound resource covering every aspect of ultrasound – from the basics of performing the ultrasound examination, technique and sono-anatomy, to pathology and specialty applications. A go-to resource.
Manual of diagnostic ultrasound Vol.1 second edition [pdf]
Edited by Professor Harald Lutz and Professor Elisabetta Buscarini, volume 1 covers:
Generation of ultrasound, Properties of ultrasound, Shape of the ultrasound beam, Ultrasound techniques, Artefacts and Adverse effects
Manual of diagnostic ultrasound Vol.2 [pdf]
Edited by Professor Harald Lutz and Professor Elisabetta Buscarini, volume 2 covers:
Safety of diagnostic ultrasound, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Breast, Paediatric and Musculoskeletal ultrasound.
The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis, 3rd Edition [PDF – EPUB – MOBI]
The onus for ensuring the safety of a diagnostic ultrasound scan has shifted from the manufacturer to the person performing the scan. This means that sonographers and other practitioners need to be knowledgeable about how ultrasound interacts with tissue, and how this changes for different scanning modes and machine settings. In the third edition of this book, world-leading experts in these areas have provided contributions addressing these topics.
Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1 [pdf]
Liver biopsy (LB) is sometimes considered to be the “gold standard” for the evaluation of liver morphology in the diagnosis of chronic hepatopathies. A major disadvantage of LB is its invasiveness: the risk of post-biopsy discomfort for patients and sometimes, of serious complications; the lack of sensitivity to detect fibrosis, due to its heterogeneity and the difficulty to obtain adequate physical samples for pathological examination is also problematic. In these circumstances, the idea of LB as the “gold standard” for staging and grading chronic hepatitis in routine medical diagnoses is questionable. Non-invasive methods such as ultrasound elastography provide an effective alternative for liver evaluation without the risk of complications that arise from liver biopsies. There are a number of variants of elastographic techniques which include transient elastography (FibroScan, Echosens), Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography (Siemens S2000) and other methods of shear wave elastography. This revised edition of Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves presents an updated set of chapters on the related topic. Chapters cover several methods of hepatic elastography (transient, shear wave, real time strain, elastPQ etc.). This edition consolidates all methods of point shear wave elastography (including ARFI and ElastPQ methods) into a single chapter and presents information on 2D shear wave elastography in a separate chapter. In addition, this revised edition offers readers new information on the comparison of each elastographic technique and supplements readers with a set of general guidelines on liver elastography. This revised edition is an essential reference for hepatologists interested in non invasive diagnostic methods for liver diseases.
Training in Diagnostic Ultrasound Essentials, Principles and Standards, WHO Study Group report [pdf]
1998 rWHO eport on best practice for ultrasound training and development.