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Apps for Ultrasound
EchoLog – Ultrasound & POCUS Logbook
Log your ultrasound and POCUS scans easily with EchoLog, designed specifically for ultrasound logging. EchoLog is made by two Emergency Medicine residents from Montreal, Canada, wanting to improve on the current paper logbook system for Ultrasound certification.
by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Congenital heart defects can be difficult to visualize and explain. Heartpedia, created by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, allows you to interact with 3D models of pediatric heart anomalies and defects. Healthcare providers may use these anatomically-correct models as visual learning tools to help educate patients and families on specific defects and repairs.
My Case Files – Health Care
by My Case Files, LLC
My Case Files is the first app designed for health care providers to keep track of their interesting cases and procedures in a secure, HIPAA compliant app. The app is simple, easy to navigate, and highly customizable for its use in multiple clinical scenarios. Features of the app:
- Take pictures/video clips of your interesting cases
- Search cases quickly for reference
- Take pictures of your procedures and share them with referring physicians and patients
- Create a procedure log for residents and fellows in training
FAST Heart
This app was designed for individuals who are learning how to perform and interpret focused bedside echocardiography. It was created to serve as an efficient bedside assistant to verify what appropriate views and common pathologies look like while one continues to hone their spatial and physiologic understanding of cardiac ultrasound. This app is best used as a reference early on in one’s training and for teaching others at the bedside.
Echo Tools
EchoTools is a free iOS educational reference covering point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Additionally, it contains cardiac dimensions, native/prosthetic valve measurements, and lessons ranging from interventional procedures to mechanical circulatory support (MCS).
About Rishi Kumar, MD, FACC (“”):
I’m an adult cardiothoracic anesthesiologist and intensivist with board certifications in anesthesiology, critical care medicine, advanced perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), and a testamur in critical care ultrasound. I have a passion for teaching and free, open-access medical education over the Internet! Learn more on my site:
CardioSmart Heart Explorer
The American College of Cardiology’s CardioSmart Heart Explorer app is designed to enhance the clinician/patient relationship at the point of care.
This app is compatible with both the iPhone and iPad. A login is no longer required to use CardioSmart Heart Explorer. All existing users of “CardioSmart Heart Explorer for Everyone” can start using the CardioSmart Heart Explorer today.
– With CardioSmart Heart Explorer, you can review and discuss common heart problems and treatment options with your patients and their caregivers. The app’s high-resolution cardiac graphics and animation have been optimized for the iPad, and are also available for iPhone and iPod touch.
– From the main menu, quickly explore the structure of an animated 3-D beating heart by swiping up or down through 9 basic layers of rotatable cardiac anatomy. Drag from left to right to rotate each image from an anterior to posterior view. Double-tap to return each image to the anterior beating, view.
– Also from the main menu, additional layers of anterior and cross-sectional cardiac views are readily available to swipe through to highlight normal and pathological functions in easy-to-understand, high-resolution, 3-D and 2-D graphics.
– Choose additional cardiac patient education animations and interactive media from within the media gallery. A scrollable list of helpful explanatory animations and interactive displays are accessible via the media gallery button. Future versions of the app will allow customization of this list through online downloads of additional media.
– Access a “Send Feedback” link by clicking the bottom right info button.
FAST Heart
This app was designed for individuals who are learning how to perform and interpret focused bedside echocardiography. It was created to serve as an efficient bedside assistant to verify what appropriate views and common pathologies look like while one continues to hone their spatial and physiologic understanding of cardiac ultrasound. This app is best used as a reference early on in one’s training and for teaching others at the bedside.
Echo Tools
EchoTools is a free iOS educational reference covering point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Additionally, it contains cardiac dimensions, native/prosthetic valve measurements, and lessons ranging from interventional procedures to mechanical circulatory support (MCS).
About Rishi Kumar, MD, FACC (“”):
I’m an adult cardiothoracic anesthesiologist and intensivist with board certifications in anesthesiology, critical care medicine, advanced perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), and a testamur in critical care ultrasound. I have a passion for teaching and free, open-access medical education over the Internet! Learn more on my site:
Synap App
by Synap
Lets students create their own MCQs or practice others, and creates a personal revision plan for them based on what they most need to study each day. There are over 5,000 medical MCQs written by students and doctors and a few thousand medical students using it in the US and UK including some Ultrasound related questions.
UBC Radiology Teaching App
by UBC Radiology
Learn radiology anatomy & clinical reasoning using x-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound. This app is designed for medical trainees and medical professionals to increase their confidence in identifying normal anatomic structures, ordering the most appropriate imaging test and identifying common pathology.This app is based on the radiology undergraduate curriculum at the University of British Columbia (UBC), which is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The app content is organized into the pre-clinical (MS1, MS2) and clinical (MS3, MS4, intern) years. The focus of the pre-clinical years is on identifying normal anatomy and acquiring basic ultrasound skills and the focus of the clinical years is to become familiar with ordering appropriateness criteria and to recognize key pathology. The list of clinical cases presented in this app are developed from the UBC third year medical student clerkship “Must See” clinical objectives.
Simulators for Ultrasound
edus2 Emergency Department Ultrasound Simulator
The edus2 is an open source tool that integrates ultrasound into existing simulation suites at a fraction of the cost of commercially available systems. Full details on the wiki. Code, video, and instructions on buliding your own are free. Just add hardware. If you need assistance in completing a system please contact us and we can help you get up and running. We have done most of the work, but tasks remain open to make this project better.
diSplay U/S – Online Ultrasound simulator
Train for ultrasound anywhere at anytime
Experience diSplay U/S, our online ultrasound simulator : an intuitive software designed to ensure a complete training in the fundamentals of ultrasound & standardized protocols.
Image Management Utilities for Ultrasound
by Ben Smith | @UltrasoundJelly
Make your ultrasound clips HIPPA compliant for sharing, publishing, and education with this tool. You will also find tutorials on how to edit your images.
Logbook Utilities for Ultrasound
Hocus Pocus
by Ben Attwood | @bhca – Jon Bedford | @JonBedford – and George Reid | @dieracg
Welcome to Hocus POCUS: a web-based interface for storing and validating point of care ultrasound (POCUS) scan data for use in gaining accreditation in FICE and CUSIC scanning.
by Ben Smith
SonoClipShare Uploader, operated by Ben (@ultrasoundjelly) is a free tool that allows easy sharing of de-identified images. Note: Users uploading content to SonoClipShare agree to allow the owners to use the content.
Podcasts on ultrasound
Emergency Ultrasound – by J. Christian Fox
These lectures comprise the UCI bedside ultrasound curriculum from the perspective of emergency medicine. Also available:
MS2 – ultrasound in MedEd
The Ultrasound Podcast – by Mike Mallin, Matt Dawson, Mike Stone and Jacob Avila
The seminal ultrasound podcast.