Zedu Weekly Wrap – 3 November 2023
It’s a long weekend here in Melbourne…
as we prepare for a small horse race! So I’ll make this short and sweet as everyone is champing at the bit to get out the door 🙂
Highlights we recommend looking at before you bolt include:
- Yale Tung-Chen (@yaletung) on POCUS for diaphragmatic dysfuntion
- Ivanna Maxson (@IvannaMaxson) on competency based POCUS training (a topic dear to our hearts)
We’re about to head out of the gates now!
See you next week (depending if my horse comes in)…
Mike and Suean
Make 2024 your year of ultrasound and check out our range of
scheduled and one-on-one options that will get you scanning like a pro.
Get the most out of your teaching moments – join our TRain the UltraSound Trainer (TRUST) course This isn’t a course on how to perform an ultrasound examination or use the technology – it’s designed to give you the teaching tools you’ll need to teach ultrasound on the run. In the words of a previous participant – it’s meta!
3 November
Check out the latest video by @SLWerner_EM about Ultrasound of the Liver and Spleenhttps://t.co/IqzAMdXWN6#MetroEUS #POCUS #Ultrasound pic.twitter.com/6IPvtVGqwF
— MetroHealth Emergency Ultrasound (@MH_EMultrasound) November 3, 2023
#POCUS useful & accurate to detect diaphragmatic dysfunction
🚨Optimal cutoffs:
👆1.0-1.4 cm for Excursion
✌️30–36% for Thickening✔️Showed a good predictive ability for successful liberation from ventilationhttps://t.co/a96ZyytgDN @CasasolaGarcia Marques Pereira Paiva pic.twitter.com/VG5tns5CZF
— Yale Tung-Chen (@yaletung) November 2, 2023
Way to go Dr. @IvannaMaxson and @BCM_PCCM!!
Super helpful/relevant article for #PedsICU
Assessment Model for #POCUS Programs in @PedCritCareMed@AmerAcadPeds @SCCM_Pediatrics @WFPICCS #aapsocc @childrensatl @EmoryPedsICUhttps://t.co/t4yrjzxkDo— Nick Ettinger, MD, FAAP, FCCM (@HawkeyeNickmd) November 2, 2023
2 November
Article of the Week comes after a week of #paediatric #ultrasoundtraining – always a fun/hectic/noisy time😁
This review summarises the major applications of #POCUS in paeds & highlights differences to adult applicationsWhat are your views? Join the chathttps://t.co/MAyGBITQCf pic.twitter.com/wGjsjbH19P
— Zedu Ultrasound Training @zedunow@med-mastodon.com (@zedunow) November 2, 2023
Nature reviews cardiology
1 November
31 October
Scar Ectopic Pregnancy as an Uncommon Site of Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case Report and Literature Review
The Potential of Ultrasound: Earlier Noninvasive Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Detection
30 October
Nature Methods
A sound solution for deep-brain imaging
A Rare Case of Tricuspid Atresia Absent Pulmonary Valve Diagnosed on Fetal Echocardiography
29 October
Just posted the next in my @YouTube series on #POCUS in shock
Identifying infectious etiologies
Check it out #FOAMed #FOAMus @WVUMedicine @WVUMedSchool @WVUEmergencyMed https://t.co/G92UIXirbW— Joseph Minardi (@jminardi21) October 29, 2023
28 October
Interruption of the tricuspid regurgitant jet: A possible consequence of reflected waves
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound